NDSU Sunflower Protection Home Page
-Information about seed treatment, herbicide, insecticides, fungicides, and bird abatement options courtesy of the North Dakota State University Extension Service.
Production Guide for New Growers
NDSU Pest Management Guide App for Android
NDSU Pest Management Guide App for iPhone
At least 30 diseases, caused by various fungi, bacteria and viruses, have been identified on wild or cultivated sunflower, but only a few are of economic significance as far as causing yield losses. This section identifies many of the diseases affecting sunflower crops and provides information about the disease, its impact, and control measures.
Sunflower’s shorter growing season and thus lower overall irrigation needs has helped generate more interest in this crop among irrigators in the Ogallala Aquifer region. Sunflower is thought to better withstand short periods of crop water stress than are corn and soybeans; and, the timing of critical sunflower water needs is offset from those of corn and beans.
Sunflower's will respond to fertilization. Nitrogen, phosphate, and potash are important.