Tom Dowdle
Region: 1
Types of Crops and Livestock: Oil Sunflower, Sugar Beets, Spring Wheat, Malting Barley, Corn, and Soybeans
Tom is a member of the Minnesota Rural Water Association (Board Member), Kittson-Marshall Rural Water Association (Board Member), Pioneer Hi-Bred International (Sales Professional), Tri-County Emergency Medical Services (Board Chair), Kittson County Zoning Commission (Board Member), Kittson County Township Association (Board Chair), Davis Township (Clear/Treasurer), Minnesota Wheat Growers, Minnesota Barley Growers and Minnesota Soybean Growers.
A reason why Tom wanted to serve on the board to improve sunflower disease resistence. "The reasons I hear from producers why they choose not to raise sunflowers is the fear of plant Sclerotinia and Phomopsis taking their crop. I feel this is the #1 reason holding back an increase in sunflower acreage. Once again, I strongly believe sunflower disease research continue to be ramped up to move from plant tolerance to resistance." -Tom Dowdle